Product safety, CE Marking & PUWER specialists


CEMarkit CE Marking and PUWER SpecialistsIf you need help with CE Marking of machinery or the CE Marking process, you have come to the right place. We can also help you with PUWER compliance of your work equipment.

Please browse our website and contact us for more information about how we can help you.

cemarkit is a small professional engineering consultancy. CE Marking specialists, we provide fast, friendly and flexible expert services to assist you with all aspects of CE Marking and PUWER compliance of your machines. Established in 2000, we have now helped over 200 manufacturers and importers like you all over the world with their product safety needs.

CEMarkit for CE Marking of machineryCE Marking consultants

Most Companies are aware of the need to do something about CE marking their equipment or machines before selling them in Europe. However, many are just too busy, and don’t have the appropriate resources to undertake the work necessary to comply. cemarkit can conduct CE marking assessments and compile your Technical File for you.

PUWER Compliance consultants

CEMarkit for Provision and Use of Work Equipment RegulationsEmployers / suppliers of equipment for use at work must ensure that it meets The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, PUWER, i.e. it must be suitable for its purpose and maintained in a safe condition.

cemarkit can conduct PUWER compliance assessments, or pre-purchase safety audits on your behalf.


